2918 Webster Street, San Francisco, CA 94123

Psychotherapy & Counseling

Overcoming Suffering through Listening and Practical Wisdom

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy was created to inform you about the data we collect from you. It also explains when and how this information can be used or disclosed. We do NOT sell your data to anyone.

Information Collected from Users

When filling out a form on the site, you will be asked to provide your contact information. This personal information will only be used by Teressa Armstrong to contact you as per your request and it will not be transferred, sold, or provided to any other party unless required by law.  This information is stored in our database on our server indefinitely (or until manually deleted).

Tracking, reCAPTCHA, and Cookies

This website uses reCAPTCHA from Google.com and cookies from our own domain name to keep track of the following things:

Google reCAPTCHA

We have implemented reCAPTCHA v3 on our site and your use of reCAPTCHA v3 is subject to Google’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. reCAPTCHA is used to fight spam and abuse on the forms used on our site. reCAPTCHA works by collecting hardware and software information, such as device and application data, and sending these data to Google for analysis. The information collected in connection with your use of the service is used for improving reCAPTCHA and for general security purposes. It is not used for personalized advertising by Google.

Acceptance of Cookies

The site has a cookie bar to disclose our privacy policy and what we do with your data. The purpose of the cookie bar is to track who has accepted our cookie so we don’t present show the cookie bar to them again until their cookie expires or is deleted. There is no other tracking in place.

Requesting/Deleting Information

Should you require clarification on this Privacy Policy, want to know the exact personal information that has been collected about you, or need your private information deleted from our database, you can reach Teressa Armstrong through this contact form here.